Electrical and Electronics Engineering:
Broad disciplines are electrical power engineering & electronic engineering. The former is concerned with the generation, distribution, & use of electrical power & power control & instrumentation processing of the formation in the fields of communication & control system, electronic computer, industrial electronics & instrumentation.

opportunities for employment exist in public sector & enterprises dealing with design, manufacture, & application of electronic devices & equipment, radio & television, communication system, radar & navigational aids, computer hardware & software, process control etc. At IIT Bombay, Delhi & Kanpur there is a unified course concerned with principles of both discipline. IIT kharagpur & madras & IT-BHU at Varanasi, on the other hand, offer separate course for the two board discipline
Electrical Engineering covers traditional areas like generation, distribution and transmission of electricity as well as new age applications in electronics ranging from telecommunications to computers and micro processors. Thus most courses combine electrical and electronic systems. The course is closely linked with computation and neural systems, applied physics, computer science and applied dynamic systems. It offers students the opportunity for study, both theoretical and experimental, in a wide variety of subjects, including wireless systems, quantum electronics, modern optics, solid state materials and devices, power electronics, control theory, signal processing, data compression and communications. New areas include Neuro Fuzzy approaches for Engineering system applications, Biomedical instrumentation, Analysis of digital systems etc.



For an Electrical engineer, the academic programme lays stress on a deep understanding of electrical networks and devices of electromagnetic field theory, electrical energy converters, electrical energy distribution systems etc. For an electronics or communication engineer the BE/B.Tech programme focuses on electronic network and devices, subjects such as electromagnetic field theory, computer fundamentals as also their protection, communication and control systems.
Electrical engineering encompasses all devices and systems that operate electrically. Electrical engineers are integrally involved with the generation, distribution, and electromechanical use of electric power. They also design and produce general electronic circuits and their solid-state components such as integrated circuits and computer chips. Electrical engineering is the largest of all engineering disciplines. This is divided into heavy current (electrical machinery; generating stations and distribution systems) and light current (telecommunications, radar, computers etc.) With the increasing demand for electrical energy, the development in audio and video communication systems, and the automation in industry, electrical engineers have become indispensable to society today.
However, the electronics or communication engineers work with devices that use extremely small amounts of power such as micro processors, fiber optics etc. Microwave engineers use electromagnetic energy in forms such as radio waves or light to produce radar, communications, and fiber optics systems. Communications and signal processing involves the transmission and processing of information such as in CD players and high definition TV. Electrical engineers also design and implement automatic control systems such as airplane guidance and autopilot systems.



For an Electrical engineer, the academic programme lays stress on a deep understanding of electrical networks and devices of electromagnetic field theory, electrical energy converters, electrical energy distribution systems etc. For an electronics or communication engineer the BE/B.Tech programme focuses electronic network and devices, subjects such as electromagnetic field theory, computer fundamentals as also their protection, and communication and control systems.

Educational Attainment:


BE/B Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D

Employment Opportunities:
Virtually every industry utilizes electrical engineers, so employment opportunities are extensive. The work of electrical engineers can be seen in the microwave ovens in our Homes, in the computers used by business, in numerically controlled machines used by manufacturing companies. Electrical can follow careers in a wide range of areas. They may enter the fields of communications, computers, electronics, robotics, biomedical electronics and signal processing, transportation, industrial process control, energy operation and distribution, and electro-mechanical energy conversion. Many electrical and computer engineering graduates also pursue careers in resource industries and manufacturing; examples include the chemical, pulp and paper, food, automobile and aircraft industries.


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