Naga Chaitanya’s Autonagar Surya in the direction of Deva Katta will commence its shoot from 6th October. The pre-production works of the film have already begun and a set is being erected for the shooting schedule.“AUTONAGAR SURYA set construction is under way, shooting will commence on 6th October for early summer release,” informs Deva Katta.
Naga Chaitanya will yet again romance Samantha, who has been roped in as the leading lady. ANS will be produced by K.Achi Reddy under the banner of Max India Productions while R.R.Movie Makers will present the film. The film has music by Anup Rubens, editing by Dharmendra and art by Ravinder. Ashish Vidyarthi, Jaya Prakash Reddy, Jeeva will essay other prominent roles in the movie.Autonagar Surya will hit the big-screens in the early summer.