It’s very common for an USB drive to be infected by using it on an infected machine, with the famous trojan, AUTORUN.exe.

We can protect our USB drive with just this few steps. HOW? Format it to NTFS and locked the root directory. Create Folder to store all your file, as autorun.exe will only attack the ROOT and no the folder within. My solution might not be 100% free from virus attack, but is a solution to get less attack!
Below are the steps needed:
1) Plug in the USB drive to USB port.
2) Go to Device Manager -> Disk Drive -> Right click on your USB drive and select Properties
3) Go to Policy tabs and select Optimize for Performance
4) Now you can format your USB drive to NTFS format
5) Go to Control Panel -> Folder option -> select View Tab, scroll to the last line where you will see Use Simply File Sharing. Uncheck this option.
6) Now go to your USB drive and create a few folder.
7) Right click on the root folder and select Sharing & Security, go Security tab. Uncheck all the options and just check read under Allow row.
8) For the newly created folder, you can give full access, meaning allow every access.
It’s done. Now your USB drive is secured.


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